Archive for the Software Engineering Category

Announcing project Megiddo מגידו

Posted in Data Warehousing, Model Driven Development, Software Engineering on April 1, 2008 by Patricio

I’m please to announce the project Megiddo מגידו. The objective of this project is the design and implementation of a model driven approach to data warehousing systems. How to build languages and models to design and implement data warehousing systems for different industries (retail, manufacturing, insurance, healthcare, government, banking, etc…) are the main scope of Megiddo.

armageddon.jpgMegiddo is a hill in Israel near the modern settlement of Megiddo. In ancient times Megiddo was an important city state. It is also known alternatively as Tel Megiddo (Hebrew) and Tell al-Mutesellim (Arabic). According to some interpretations of the Christian Bible, this place will be the venue for or the final battle between the forces of light led by Jesus Christ and the forces of darkness led by Satan or the Anti-Christ after the End of Days.

Megiddo will be designed by me in the PRIMAVERA BSS Innovation and New Technologies group in the software factory department.

A new beginning

Posted in Architecture, Data Warehousing, Software Engineering on March 14, 2008 by Patricio

I’m starting a new blog. I will be blogging about Software Architecture, Software Engineering and Data Warehousing Systems.